About Me

Hello fellow Cardists,

My name is Emmet Tso. I'm married and am a soon to be father. I've had a fascination with magic since I was a child. I had a particular interest for card magic. I remember the first card trick i was exposed to. An adult sat me down, told me to pick a card, and proceeded to "smell" my card from the rest of the pack. That simple routine (which is so easy it hurts) changed my whole perspective of magic. I took up some basic magic routines like the cups and balls, but my passion for cards remained. I more recently got back into card magic and took a particular interest in gambling slights. I have purchased a great variety of playing cards, studied books and videos from various experts, and spent hours practicing these moves.

I am a big fan of Daniel Madison, Jason England, R. Paul Wilson, and Dai Vernon. They're people who have really inspired me to practice and research more information in the magic industry. Through my research however, i found that history is a great teacher of magic applications and techniques, but very few resources have been published that helps the magician find a deck that truly represents them. I have found sites like kardify.com and watched videos by TheCardists on youtube. They have definitely made their respective contributions to the magic community but I have not found a website that really broke down the card to its quantifiable aspects.

I must first say that any deck of cards will serve its purpose and even the most miserably printed cards can still be used by a expert cardist. I personally think that a deck of cards can speak to the personality and specialty of the person using the cards. Someone carrying a Virts deck would most likely be more interested in card flourishes then they would be in a magic routine. Whereas using a deck like the Madison Rounders would probably be someone who appreciates the thinner stock; which can make for easier gambling slights. There are many decks and none are the same. Card stock varies in thickness and density and card finish can vary significantly as well. Each deck created is fine-tuned to perfection by the creator. Finding the quantifiable variables of these decks will allow a cardist to find a deck the suits their preferences and make their practicing, as well as performing, more fluid.

I might be crazy, (which is undeniably true if you ask my family) but I think that card reviews and an organized system that give the information like GSM and finish will greatly impact those who want to find practical decks that suit their preferences. Thank you for your support in reading, I hope you found this useful, and please feel free to let me know your thoughts I would love to connect with you.

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